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Everything was going at a steady pace. I couldn’t predict the future, but I could predict more of what we needed. I decided to run the Royal Sydney Show, always one for a challenge, and train up some new staff. Chard and Harriet A joined our team and I was finally relieved from the ever-enduring task of flying to Sydney every couple of weeks. I had been cat sitting, in exchange for accommodation for over a year now.

I started paying myself a manager’s wage and took some time to travel with Gil. Naturally, I was still working part time whilst I was away, but I was able to let go a little and let the team flourish. The week I left, I launched the new website and our new booking system, Insightly. Everything was going so well. I was even interviewed by the talented mindful coach Kate James:

Then I came home and found out I was pregnant and we built 25 new blender bikes.

A video from the highlights of this year:

To hear the rest of the Bike n’Blend story see post “Our story; (2016) Reap the Rewards”