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And we’re off! Stay tuned through our Instagram and Facebook pages as a bunch of us try to reduce, reuse, avoid, and recycle plastics every day! And we’d love to hear about your triumphs and challenges, too, in this plasticated world! Comment here or shoot us a message!

Plastic Free July has so many amazing resources to help us on our journey. Like their Pesky Plastics Quiz, a quick check-in for common areas you’re already using plastic, and how you can reduce your use even more! And tips split into some useful categories to break it down even more for you.

Being the start of the month, why not take a small moment to locate pre-existing plastic and cloth bags around your home, stick a few of these and a cup in your bag now, google your nearest bulk-foods store, talk to your family or housemates and let them know what you’re up to – the more support you have, the better!

Wishing you all the best on your journey into July and beyond. Every little piece of plastic not received, and not ending up in landfill DOES make a direct impact on our world.

Our Plastic Free July competition is still going until the 31st- head to our Instagram and Facebook pages to enter! Good Onya!